Wednesday, March 21, 2012

VT KTU March 24th exhibit- "VT KTU Feb. 25th exhibit - VT Rocketry and SPACE (Student Participating in Advancing spaCe Education)"

Come build a paper rocket with VT Rocketry! Using a sheet of paper, an index card, a pencil and an air launcher, build a pencil sized paper rocket and see how far you can fly! Learn about how VT Rocketry is participating in the annual NASA USLI competition and come take a look at our prototype rocket! It's four feet tall and flies to over 1000 feet!

You will also learn about buoyancy and the ideal gas law using Cartesian Divers! Using a straw, some paper clips, a rubber band and a 2-Liter bottle, watch as the "diver" that you make "magically" sinks as you squeeze the bottle filled with water but then rises when you release it! It's not actually magic but it sure does look like it!

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