Friday, March 30, 2012

VT KTU April 7t exhibit- hosted by the American Water Resources Association (AWRA)

The Student Chapter of American Water Resources Association (AWRA) will be hosting an exhibit of getting to know water and your watershed by showing a model watershed and playing H2Olympics. A model watershed will be used to demonstrate how water moves over the landscapes and in communities. What types of pollutants run off and what types of things can we do to prevent it will be explored in a fun and interactive way. The H2Olympics sets up games for kids to compete on events like pole vaulting, balance beam, and slalom to test the adhesion and cohesion properties of water. Come out to test your skills and learn about water and how it affects our watershed.

The American Water Resources Association (AWRA) is a multidisciplinary student organization. Student members come from many different fields and backgrounds (engineering, education, forestry, soils, biology, ecology, geography, management, regulation, hydrology, etc.) but share a general interest in our water resources. Group activities include co-sponsoring seminars, participating in volunteer/outreach activities, providing support in water education, stream monitoring with Save-Our-Stream techniques, and supporting Amman Imman—a non-profit organization that works to supply safe-drinking water to African communities. Overall, AWRA’s mission is to support the education, management, and research of our water resources.

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