Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sally Farrell with Craig County 4H will be exhibiting on Feb. 28th

Exhibit Title: Using RockSim software to design rockets and simulate flights.

Exhibit Abstract: The RockSim computer program is used to design rockets and then simulate its flight. Craig County 4-H uses the software to design rockets to be used in the Team America Rocketry Challenge. The aim of the challenge is to build a rocket that will fly to a height of 750 feet for 45 seconds and carry a hen's egg as payload. The egg must be launched in the rocket and return without being broken in flight.
Virginia Cooperative Extension Agent Info: My name is Sally Farrell and I have been the 4-H Agent in Craig County for 3 years. I provide in-school science SOL programming for all students in grades 4th - 8th grade. Craig County 4-H has a commitment to science and technology and has a Robotics Team and Rocketry Team. Craig County 4-H also has a Teen 4-H Club, 4-H Pet Club, 4-H Shooting Club, and 4-H Horse Club.

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