Sunday, January 20, 2013

Virginia Tech KTU- Jan. 26th exhibit- "Ocean Acidification: Dangerous Changes in Earth's Seas"

In this activity you will learn about the pH of the ocean and why humans should be concerned that the oceans are becoming more acid. By testing the pH of different liquids, you will learn the concept of acidity and understand why the rising level of carbon dioxide in atmosphere is making the  oceans more acid.  This may be dangerous for the ocean’s inhabitants that make their skeletons of calcium carbonate.  Explore how changing environments may affect the production of biominerals worldwide. 

Department of Geosciences, Biogeochemistry of Earth Processes Group

The Biogeochemistry of Earth Processes (bgep) group conducts interdisciplinary research into the physical basis for biomineral formation and the complex patterns of mineralization that are observed in modern and ancient environments. 

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