Saturday, January 19, 2013

Jan 26th KTU exhibit- "From magma to mineral: how do crystals form?"

How do beautiful mineral crystals form in rocks? Why do some rocks have bigger crystals than others? Why do some mineral crystals look different than others? How do volcanic processes control the size of crystals in rocks? This exhibit features a simple crystal growth experiment using common household materials as a way of showing how crystals grow in rocks both beneath and above the Earth’s surface. Rock samples from real volcanoes and magma chambers will be presented to illustrate how crystal size is affected by the amount of time over which magma and lava cool.

Department of Geosciences, Metamorphic Petrology group

The Metamorphic Petrology group studies how rocks transform beneath the Earth's surface in response to changes in temperature and pressure, which reveals information about both the small-scale processes (i.e. chemical zoning in minerals) and large-scale processes (i.e. the formation of mountain belts) that operate on Earth.

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