Thursday, February 24, 2011

Balloon Rockets

The balloon rocket illustrates Newton’s Third Law of Motion: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. When a rocket blows out air at high speed in one direction (action), the rocket is pushed in the opposite direction (reaction). The air pushes against the rocket and the rocket pushes back just as hard against the air. Although we will illustrate the law with balloon rockets, the same principles apply to fuel powered rockets. A horizontal track will be set up to race the balloon rockets horizontally. The youth will explore which balloon shape is most advantageous for racing. A rocket simulation program will be displayed on the laptop computer for the youth to simulate different rocket types and flight trajectories.

Exhibitor Information:

Sally Farrell, 4-H Extension Agent

Craig County VCE

24838 Craigs Creek Road

New Castle, VA 24127


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