Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dr. Jean Peccoud's lab is exhibiting at KTU on April 9th!

The Synthetic Biology booth is hosted by the synthetic biology research group at Virginia Tech. The group is led by Dr. Jean Peccoud works on problems related to the engineering of biology.

Understanding what goes on inside living cells is a difficult problem. There are all kinds of molecules bouncing around inside the cell, and we would love to be able to see what was going on. The problem is that we usually can’t see inside of the cells without killing them first. One way to see inside is to modify the cells so that when they make a protein, they also make a fluorescent protein that glows enough to be seen from outside the cell. By measuring the fluorescent proteins, we can get an idea of what the other proteins are doing. At our booth, we will show this idea with movies, clay models, and candy.

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