Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Feb. 27th hands-on exhibit- Looking Down is Looking Up! How aerial photography and Satellite Imagery are Used in Natural Resource Management

Geospatial tools, which include geographic information systems (GIS), global positioning systems (GPS), and remote sensing provide us with an understanding of the earth. In this activity, participants will be able to identify changes on the earth's surface. We will examine two different time periods, and participants will explore, estimate, and measure general changes in land use and land cover during these two time periods.

Dr. McGee is a faculty member in the Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation in the College of Natural Resources. He serves as the Virginia Geospatial Extension Specialist through Virginia Cooperative Extension. Additional information about the Virginia Geospatial Extension Program can be found here: http://www.cnr.vt.edu/gep

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