ICAT STUDIO | Collegiate Square (lower level) | 460 Turner Street Blacksburg, VA 24060
“Origami Structures for Technological and Design
Applications” presented by Dr. Robert Lang (Origami Artist and
in collaboration with Virginia Tech’s School of Education
and Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT)
This is a hands-on workshop to explore a range of folding
structures used in various
technological applications, including foldable space
structures, medical devices, and more! You will be folding crease patterns and
exploring the mechanical properties of folded structures and their underlying
laws. No origami experience necessary; appropriate for college students and
above, who have a background in design, architecture, engineering.
This workshop is FREE!
Space is limited, so register before June 22nd!
To register, or for more information, please contact:
Adam Soccolich | soccolich@vt.edu | 540-231-0802