Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Summer STEM Institute for K-12 Educators in Southwest Virginia

It is that time of year again when we share information about the Summer STEM Institute for K-12 Educators in Southwest Virginia.  They have an excellent schedule of sessions in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math for Elementary, Middle School and Secondary educators. The sessions promise new content, new teaching strategies and new materials for addressing the SOLs.  Once again they will offer three sessions in reading.  The Table of Sessions is here with a brief description of each session.

The cost for the three day workshop is $40.00 per participant.  This fee is covers one day, two days or all three days.  There is no further expense to the participants.  Some of the sessions will provide kits and books for the participants while others will  take home make-n-take materials and lesson plans for the beginning of school in the fall.  You may register via a purchase order, check or credit card.  The website to register online is http://www.cpe.vt.edu/reg/swvac/. OR register using this form that can be printed and mailed directly to Virginia Tech in Blacksburg.

Please let Penny McCallum know if you have questions:

Penny McCallum, Director
Virginia Tech Southwest Center
Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center
PO Box 1987
Abingdon, VA  24212
Phone:  276-619-4311  Fax 276-619-4312
E-mail pmccal5@vt.edu or pmccallum@swcenter.edu

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Kids' Tech University awarded a "Programs that Works" Award

Kids' Tech University was recently awarded a "Programs that Works" Award from the Virginia Mathematics and Science Coalition. The Award Selection Committee recognized the significant work invested in the design and implementation of the program as well as the impact on education.

The Virginia Mathematics and Science Coalition recognizes effective student and teacher educational programs through its "Programs that Work" Awards. The Coalition reviews exemplary programs for which there is evidence of a positive impact on student or teacher learning.

Thank you to everyone who helped us in receiving this award!

Monday, May 21, 2012

VAST Award Nominations

Please make time to recognize the accomplishments of an individual who has “made a difference” in science education - nominate them for an Annual VAST Award. Nominees do NOT need to be a member of VAST. Awardees will receive an engraved plaque at the November 2012 PDI and will be reimbursed up to $150 for VAST conference (PDI) expenses.

Contributions in twelve categories are recognized:

~ Elementary (preK-5)
~Middle school (6-8)
~ Biology
~Earth Science
~Environmental Science
~At-Risk Students (K-12)
~Resource Teachers (e.g.- Technology, Science Resources, Etc.)
~Science Educator (non K-12 Examples- Science Supervisors, Information
Education, Principal, etc.)
~University/College Faculty
~Community Partnership (e.g.- Business, Politicians, Other Organizations,

For more information or to nomiate someone for this award, visit the VAST website.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Russ Wayland Mini-Grant for Teachers

In 1993, the Virginia Section AIPG established a grant in order to improve the teaching of GEOLOGY in the schools (K-12), Public and Private. Applicants should type, or print in ink, all sections of the application. And submit it prior to June 1, 2012. The section has allocated $1,000 to fund approved proposals for 2012.

The review committee is looking for proposals that will result in more hands-on activities, and a better understanding of the importance of geologic resources, and/or geologic principles. The grant may be awarded to one applicant, or split among several applicants (to be determined by the AIPG selection committee).

Applications are due June 1. More information is available here

Friday, May 18, 2012

Grants VAST Creative Science Teaching Minigrant

The purpose of the VAST Mini-grant program is to provide seed money for innovative curriculum activities which expand learning opportunities for science students. Awardees will be selected by a committee appointed by the VAST President. The committee will be looking for projects that will directly impact student learning in the science classroom. The committee will also evaluate the originality, creativity and cost effectiveness of the proposals. Ideally, the projects that are funded will provide the students with new experiences and make possible new scientific investigations. Preference will be given to persons who have not received prior VAST Mini-grant awards. The selection committee may elect to not make an award if the proposals do not meet the stated criteria. It is anticipated that most awards will be made in the range of $200-$500. VAST distributed awards totaling $1,500 in 2011.

For more information on the Mini-grant program or to submit a proposal
visit the VAST website. Proposals are due by June 1, 2012.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

SEEDS-Blacksburg Nature Center

SEEDS-Blacksburg Nature Center

Price House, 107 Wharton St. SE.  Blacksburg, VA Parking in the driveway, on Wharton St., and within 21/2 short blocks on Clay St. @ spout spring parking strip & Church St. in the public parking lot.  Admission is free, donations are welcome.

Saturday, May 19th: The nature center will be open, but we encourage you to enjoy some of the great outdoors.

Save the Trail Shindig with the New River Trail Conservancy.

Ranger Meghan posted that Saturday¹s Pandapas Pond hike will be on wildflowers. They will be hiking to the butterfly gardens, so meet in the lower parking lot at 10:00 am.
Please RSVP for each child attending through the link below:

Also to do on Saturdays within a few minute walk
Visit the Blacksburg Farmer¹s market.  It¹s four short blocks with lots to
see and do between the Market Square Park and Price House and Gardens!