Application Deadline: May 4, 2012
Virginia Bioinformatics Institute (VBI) is offering a high school summer internship to expose students to the exciting fields of research in biology, plant pathology, the environment, climate and bioinformatics. This week-long program consists of several research activity labs, research-related tours, and a discussion/lecture series.
High school students interested in math and science, and are able to provide their own, reliable transportation to VBI each morning, are eligible for participation in the program. The main objective of this high school internship is to show students the fun and excitement of scientific research. Students will have the opportunity to explore the world of genomics and the environment with world-renowned research scientists in professional labs.
Dedicated work is key for success in any career, especially one in bioinformatics research. The internship experience will strengthen the principle of dedicated work through intensive laboratory research and journal keeping exercises given throughout the week. A highly motivated attitude is encouraged throughout the program! | 2012 promotional flyer
Our Green Future is funded by NSF Award Number IOS-0922747