Tuesday, April 3, 2012

VT KTU April 7th- "Wildlife in your own backyard!"

Some people are under the impression that fascinating wildlife can only be viewed in places like Yellowstone National Park. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Come learn about the wildlife around us right here in Montgomery County! At our station children will be able to examine and touch a wide array of specimens that can be easily seen on a day hike through their community or can only be spotted in extremely rare circumstances. We will have birds, reptiles and mammals alike. Some of them will be preserved specimens, but others will be alive! Not only will kids get to see these animals close up, but they will be encouraged to ask questions. Many of our society members plan to study these animals in their future careers and will be knowledgeable interpreters.

Hosted by- The Virginia Tech Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society

The Virginia Tech Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society is an organization consisting of students with a career interest and/or a passion for wildlife. Our organization is involved with training future professionals through seminars and workshops, getting involved in on and off campus wildlife research, participating in community events and service, and educating the local community about wildlife.

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